When lenders or suppliers are looking at your business, they’ll be checking your business credit score to see how you’re performing. We want to make sure yours is in the best position.
We partner with Experian to offer our Credit Review Service to give deeper insight into your score.
Review your business credit score
Apply for funding with a reviewed business credit score
Win better customers and negotiate stronger terms
Improve your business reputation
Better business credit scores help you say ‘yes’ more often and help give you a cash boost when you need it. That’s why we work with one of the UK’s leading credit bureaus to take a deep dive into your credit profile, review your current score, check its accuracy and find areas to potentially improve it.
5 Simple Steps:
With an improved view of the pizza company’s recent trading and credit profile, in just five working days we significantly improved the pizza company’s credit score from 5/100 to 89/100.
The company moved from the maximum risk category down to a low risk category. This immediately opened up the company’s options to a panel of funders.
With an improved credit score, the pizza company owners were able to secure the funding they needed and begin the process of their expansion plans opening new restaurants across the city.
Good news! By signing up as a Pro user, you can access Credit Review Service for 30% less.
Tips on how you could improve and consultation with a specialist
Check out Capitalise for Business subscription features. Start monitoring your business credit score, check the credit of the companies you work with and reduce risk to your business.
Our relationship with Experian allows us to provide access to their Credit Review Service. A dedicated team of analysts will review credit profiles and determine whether the newly submitted information will change the business credit score
Business credit scores are key when accessing funding, requesting supplier credit, or making new relationships with partners. Position your company in the best possible way, with a strong business credit score.
When a review has been received by Experian’s analysts, it typically takes between 5 - 10 working days for a decision to be made.
96% of submitted applications result in a positive change to their business credit score. The amount of change is on a case-by-case basis and depends on the additional business information provided. If the new information indicates a stronger financial position this will all be taken into consideration as part of your score review.
A brief summary around the nature of the business and the company’s latest full accounts (incl. Profit & Loss). Additionally you can submit further documents such as management accounts, a business plan, or a debtor book. Our specialist team can support you with any questions throughout the process.